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Conspicuous Consumption

Conspicuous Consumption is the act of excessive expenditure on items and luxuries on a lavish scale in order to come across as though one is more prestige and has more wealth than one actually does. Within conspicuous consumption, there are several different types of consumption, a few of which are exhibited in this video. 

Listed are the definitions of the versions of conspicuous consumption shown in this video:


Conspicuous Leisure - Participating in activities reserved for those of a high social class, this includes wearing attire that is dysfunctional for everyday activities.


Conspicuous Waste - The overconsumption of clothing and items in order to be perceived as wealthy by onlookers.


Reverse Ostentation - The attempt to look less wealthy than you are by purchasing items that look like they would be worn by the lower class when in reality they might be designer pieces.


Conspicuous Counter-Consumption - Dressing in a manner lower than the class you are financially in to be seen as someone in the middle or lower class.



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